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“Shameen Akhtar Munir Ahmad” Locations

  • Chungi Amer Sidhu Lahore

About “Shameen Akhtar Munir Ahmad”

I am a psychologist also doing health psychologist from Punjab University.
I can deal individuals with chronic illness such as hypertension , diabetes, cancer etc to manage their symptoms, lifestyle modification and improve the Quality of Life.
Also deal with mental issue such as anxiety , depression, schizophrenia etc.
I can administered and interpret the assessment tools.

Offered Services

Therapy and Counseling Services


  • Health psychology Institute of applied psychology Punjab University Lahore

    I am recently doing my masters from Punjab University in health psychology. I can deal individuals with chronic illness and improve the Quality of Life and manage their symptoms to improve the mental health due to physical illness and to modify the lifestyles.


“Shameen Akhtar Munir Ahmad” Answers

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